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Rabu, 26 Juni 2013


Waw... kini kita membahas tentang ayam. wew... not meaning chiken lover, but ini bagian dari kerjaan saya. Serius lho.

Pastinya saya bukan ahli sih, tapi coba berbagi sedikit pengetahuan saya.


>> Muka bengkak
>> Lesu
>>Keluar lendir kental dari hidung.
>> Terdengar seperti mengorok dan sulit bernafas.
>> Mata berair , bahkan diare.

Cara mencegahnya adalah divaksin.


>> Buang bangkai ayam yang sakit jauh dari lokasi kandang.
>> Pisahkan ayam sakit dari ayam sehat.
>> Pemberian obat sesuai dosis.
dapat diberikan obat yang mengandung, Enrofloxacin

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Huo Lai - Rene Liu (translation)

Afterwards, I finally learned how to love
It's a shame you disappeared into the sea of faces.
Afterwards, though all the tears, I finally understood
That you can only miss somebody once.

White petals of orange flowers fall on my blue pleated skirt
"I love you," you softly say
I lowered my head and smelled the burst of fragrance
That eternal night; 17 years old, midsummer
That night you kissed me
Letting me in my future days, when I feel like sighing
To always remember that day's starlight

That love then, why was it so simple like that?
And also, why when we are young
Must we let those whom we love be hurt?
On this similar deep of night, are you the same?
Also feeling the quiet hurt of regret?
If at the time we could have been less stubborn
We would not feel regret now

How are you remembering me? Does it bring you laughter or silence?
These past years, was there someone who could let you not be lonely?

It will never happen again.
To have that boy in love with that girl.

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