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Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

KCM - Love you to death... (Translation)

Even if they just look at you
The one person that touch my heart
Just by being together
The one person that makes me happy

Me being this kind of person with you
Why can't I do it?
Although I stop yearning wich might
Make me lose you to wrong ful greed

I love you to death
I want you to death
How can I forget you?
Forgive my foolish being

I keep choking up because of you,
Just tell me to die
Worrying is love
How can I ... Forget you
How can I ... Erase you
When I see something special
I think of you
Or when I eat,the thought of you makes me thirsty
Forgive my foolish being
How can I ... Forget you
How can I ... Erase you

Even though I miss them like crazy
The one person I cannot be with
The person who taught me about painful love
Just the person I liked
That brang me tears

Me being this kind of person with you
Why can't I do it?
Because I might get hurt
From useless expectation
Although I try to avoid you

My eyes onlu see you
My ears only hear you
But my lips can't say anuthing
Although I missed you
I can't say the word of longing
Although I waited
I can't say the words of my wait
Even if you call me foolish or naive
I can't help it
Forget about my pride
If you're hitting my heart till the end
Because of you, I went crazy.
Completely crazy

My love that is sickened from yearning
Fool.. I love you to death
For me...its only one

Love all night
Lets love until death
Lets no regret this love
Even though you don't love me
Even if I can't forget you forever
Iven if I'm all alone
Even if my room is filled with tears
Love all night lets love until death

I love you but still I love you

Catatan: Ini termaksud my favourite song. Bagiku lagu ini ngak ngebosenin untuk didengar. Lagu ini adalah salah satu soundtrack Drama King Baker Kim Takku.
Dalam film ini ada kata-kata yang sangat ku sukai, saat Takku mengataknnya pada Yakyung.
Katanya, "Aku memang orang yang banyak kekurangan, tapi kamu selamanya dihatiku." 

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