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Selasa, 09 April 2013


Three thousand years may pass
You may kiss other lips
But I will never forget you
But I will never forget you

I may die tomorrow
My soul may wither
But I will never forget you
But I will never forget you

They may erase my memory
The may take your story from me
But I will never forget you
But I will never forget you

How can I forget your smile?
How can I forget your gaze?
How can I forget that I was praying
so that you wouldn't leave?

How can I forget your antics?
How can I forget you could fly?
How can I forget that I still love you
more than life, more than anything?

Three thousand years may pass
You may kiss other lips
But I will never forget you
But I will never forget you

I may die tomorrow
My soul may wither
But I will never forget you
But I will never forget you

You may throw me out of your life
You may deny that you loved me
But I will never forget you
You know that I will never forget you

How can I forget your smile?
How can I forget your gaze?
How can I forget that I was praying
so that you wouldn't leave?

How can I forget your antics?
How can I forget you could fly?
How can I forget that I still love you
more than life, more than anything?

Three thousand years may pass
You may kiss other lips
But I will never forget you
But I will never forget you
But I will never forget you
But I will never forget you

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